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Students of Shrimad Rajchandra Vidyapeeth are filled with passion to achieve their goals. To add to this, the college encourages and moulds them to utilise their talents to achieve success. Below are a few examples of passionate students who have achieved exemplary success in academic and non-academic fields like sports, cultural activities and other competitions.

Details of University Topper in Chemistry in PG Semester-I Academic Year 2023-24
Sr No. Photo Name of Student Course and Semester Subject Marks
1 Patel Nirali Navinbhai M.Sc. Sem I Physical Chemistry 69/70
Details of University Topper in Botany in UG Semester-II Academic Year 2023-24
Sr No. Photo Name of Student Course and Semester Subject Marks
1 Ganvit Mitalikumari Sunilbhai B.Sc. Sem II Major Botany Paper 2 Practical Plant Morphology & Systematics 15/15
2 Patel Kanikaben Ratilal B.Sc. Sem II Major Botany Paper 2 Practical Plant Morphology & Systematics 15/15
3 Patel Maitrikumari Pankajbhai B.Sc. Sem II Major Botany Paper 2 Practical Plant Morphology & Systematics 15/15
4 Patel Shyamkumar Jesingbhai B.Sc. Sem II Major Botany Paper 2 Practical Plant Morphology & Systematics 15/15
5 Nayak Karanbhai Bhupendrabhai B.Sc. Sem II Major Botany Paper 2 Practical Plant Morphology & Systematics 15/15
6 Patel Dhruviben Jayantibhai B.Sc. Sem II MDC TH Economic Botany 25/25
7 Ganvit Pritiben Anilbhai B.Sc. Sem II MDC TH Economic Botany 25/25
8 Mahala Madhvikumari Vijaybhai B.Sc. Sem II MDC Practical Economic Botany 25/25
9 Padvi Jaiminiben Gamanbhai B.Sc. Sem II MDC Practical Economic Botany 25/25
10 Patel Mahima Shaileshbhai B.Sc. Sem II MDC Practical Economic Botany 25/25
11 Patel Krutika Shaileshbhai B.Sc. Sem II MDC Practical Economic Botany 25/25
12 Patel Maitrikumari Pankajbhai B.Sc. Sem II MDC Practical Economic Botany 25/25
13 Patel Shivanikumari Nitinbhai B.Sc. Sem II MDC Practical Economic Botany 25/25
14 Bhoya Jinalkumari Vijaybhai B.Sc. Sem II MDC Practical Economic Botany 25/25
15 Kalmimaheta Bhargaviben Jitendrabhai B.Sc. Sem II MDC Practical Economic Botany 25/25
16 Patel Dhruviben Vijaybhai B.Sc. Sem II MDC Practical Economic Botany 25/25
17 Valvi Kinjalkumari Somabhai B.Sc. Sem II MDC Practical Economic Botany 25/25
18 Kamdi Kiranbhai Tukarambhai B.Sc. Sem II MDC Practical Economic Botany 25/25
Details of University Topper in Mathematics in UG Semester-II Academic Year 2023-24
Sr No. Photo Name of Student Course and Semester Subject Marks
1 Thorat Saloniben Sumanbhai B.Sc. Sem II Major-1 Mathematics Paper-III (Matrix Algebra) Practical 15/15
2 Gavit Tejalben Dilipbhai B.Sc. Sem II Major-2 Mathematics Paper-IV (Calculus-II) Practical 15/15
3 Vahantodiya Bhupendrabhai Maheshbhai B.Sc. Sem II Major-2 Mathematics Paper-IV (Calculus-II) Practical 15/15
4 Bhoya Niravbhai Dattubhai B.Sc. Sem II Minor Mathematics Paper-III (Integral Calculus And Matrices) Practical 25/25
5 Kamdi Kiranbhai Tukarambhai B.Sc. Sem II Minor Mathematics Paper-III (Integral Calculus And Matrices) Practical 25/25
6 Vahantodiya Bhupendrabhai Maheshbhai B.Sc. Sem II MDC Ordinary Differential Equations 39/50
Details of University Topper in Computer Science in UG Semester-II Academic Year 2023-24
Sr No. Photo Name of Student Course and Semester Subject Marks
1 Kamdi Kiranbhai Tukarambhai F.Y.B.Sc. Sem II SEC- Data Processing and Analysis 25/25
Details of University Topper in Mathematics in UG Semester-IV Academic Year 2023-24
Sr No. Photo Name of Student Course and Semester Subject Marks
1 Jetani Rajkumar Jadavbhai B.Sc. Sem IV Mathematics Paper – MTH-401, MTH-402, MTH-403 150/150
Academic Achievements
Sr No. Name of the student Academic Year Class Subject Percentage
1 Thorat Saloni Sumanbhai 2023-24 F.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Mathematics 82.70%
2 Patel Payal Umedbhai 2023-24 F.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Microbiology 83.60%
3 Nayak Mayurkumar Sunilbhai 2023-24 F.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Botany 80.00%
4 Kamldi Kiran Tukarambhai 2023-24 F.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Chemistry 85.90%
5 Jetani Rajkumar Jadavbhai 2023-24 S.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Mathematics 95.00%
6 Gamit Shrutiben Mahendrabhai 2023-24 S.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Microbiology 85.20%
7 Ganvit Nitishakumari Bharatbhai 2023-24 S.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Botany 74.10%
8 Ganvit Mayurbhai Ishvarbhai 2023-24 S.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Chemistry 87.30%
9 Patel Divyeshbhai Dineshbhai 2023-24 T.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Mathematics 78.30%
10 Vohra Taslim Badrudin 2023-24 T.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Microbiology 69.50%
11 Patel Maitri Pravinbhai 2023-24 T.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Botany 79.50%
12 Nayak Jenisbhai Vasantbhai 2023-24 T.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Chemistry 83.60%
13 Patel Vibhuti Mukeshbhai 2023-24 M.Sc. Part 1 Topper in Microbiology 86.70%
14 Patel Niharikakumari Rasikbhai 2023-24 M.Sc. Part 1 Topper in Chemistry 85.10%
15 Garasiya Khyatikumari Nitinbhai 2023-24 PGDMLT Topper in PGDMLT 87.70%
16 Ganvit Snehalkumari Dineshbhai 2023-24 M.Sc. Part 2 Topper in Microbiology 80.10%
17 Patel Anjali Babubhai 2023-24 M.Sc. Part 2 Topper in Chemistry 82.00%
18 Jetani Rajkumar Jadavbhai 2022-23 F.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Mathematics 90.05%
19 Sambhar Chetnaben Ashvinbhai 2022-23 F.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Microbiology 70.83%
20 Ganvit Mayurbhai Ishvarbhai 2022-23 F.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Botany 70.55%
21 Ganvit Dipeshbhai Vasantbhai 2022-23 F.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Chemistry 70.27%
22 Kalmimaheta Priyanshikumari Mukeshbhai 2022-23 F.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Chemistry 70.09%
23 Patel Divyeshbhai Dineshbhai 2022-23 S.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Mathematics 70.93%
24 Patel Sahiniben Rajeshbhai 2022-23 S.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Microbiology 70.43%
25 Patel Maitri Pravinbhai 2022-23 S.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Botany 70.07%
26 Dahvad Arunaben Kakadbhai 2022-23 S.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Chemistry 80.31%
27 Ganvit Viralkumar Sunilbhai 2022-23 T.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Mathematics 80.91%
28 Barot Vaishnavi Miteshkumar 2022-23 T.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Microbiology 70.45%
29 Jadav Abhaybhai Sunilbhai 2022-23 T.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Botany 70.27%
30 Patel Niharikakumari Rasikbhai 2022-23 T.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Chemistry 80.23%
31 Ganvit Snehalkumari Dineshbhai 2022-23 M.Sc.Part-1 Topper in Microbiology 80.08%
32 Patel Anjali Babubhai 2022-23 M.Sc.Part-1 Topper in Chemistry 80%
33 Jani Shitalben Jitendrakumar 2022-23 PGDMLT Topper in PGDMLT 80.70%
34 Garasiya Khyati Nitinbhai 2022-23 M.Sc.Part-2 Topper in Microbiology 70.58%
35 Patel Niraliben Jayeshbhai 2022-23 M.Sc.Part-2 Topper in Chemistry 80%
36 Dahwad Arunaben Kakadbhai 2021-22 F.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Chemistry 83.60%
37 Patel Sahiniben Rajeshbhai 2021-22 F.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Microbiology 73.60%
38 Valangar Divyesh Hareshbhai 2021-22 F.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Microbiology 73.60%
39 Thorat Amishaben Rajeshbhai 2021-22 F.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Botany 76.80%
40 Patel Divyeshbhai Dineshbhai 2021-22 F.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Mathematics 82.30%
41 Patel Niharikakumari Rasikbhai 2021-22 S.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Chemistry 82.30%
42 Barot Vaishnavi Miteshkumar 2021-22 S.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Microbiology 92.30%
43 Padvi Minalkumari N. 2021-22 S.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Botany 80.50%
44 Ganvit Viralkumar Sunilbhai 2021-22 S.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Mathematics 87.70%
45 Patel Jayrajkumar Babubhai 2021-22 T.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Chemistry 83%
46 Patel Shivaniben Dineshbhai 2021-22 T.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Microbiology 69.10%
47 Ganvit Mayuriben Natvarbhai 2021-22 T.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Botany 76.40%
48 Patel Virajbhai Mukeshbhai 2021-22 T.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Mathematics 89.10%
49 Rabari Satikumari Jethabhai 2021-22 M.Sc. Part-1 Topper in Chemistry 80%
50 Bhoya Suvarnakumari Dhirubhai 2021-22 M.Sc. Part-1 Topper in Microbiology 68%
51 Patel Dixitakumari Nileshbhai 2021-22 M.Sc. Part-1 Topper in Microbiology 68%
52 Patel Rajkumar Vinodbhai 2021-22 M.Sc. Part-1 Topper in Microbiology 68%
53 Patel Rinkalkumari Thakorbhai 2021-22 M.Sc. Part-1 Topper in Microbiology 68%
54 Pavar Sunitaben Somabhai 2021-22 M.Sc. Part-1 Topper in Microbiology 68%
55 Ganvit Urvashiben Babubhai 2021-22 M.Sc. Part-1 Topper in Microbiology 68%
56 Patel Rutvik Girishbhai 2021-22 M.Sc. Part-2 Topper in Chemistry 84.20%
57 Bisht Gayatri Nandan Singh 2021-22 M.Sc. Part-2 Topper in Microbiology 80%
58 Kumavat Poojaben Mulchand 2021-22 M.Sc. Part-2 Topper in Microbiology 80%
59 Panwala Aayushi 2021-22 M.Sc. Part-2 Topper in Microbiology 80%
60 Patel Anjali Jayantibhai 2021-22 M.Sc. Part-2 Topper in Microbiology 80%
61 Patel Roshniben Anilkumar 2021-22 M.Sc. Part-2 Topper in Microbiology 80%
62 Shaikh Shahilbhai Yusufbhai 2021-22 M.Sc. Part-2 Topper in Microbiology 80%
63 Tandel Jayneshkumar Ambelal 2021-22 M.Sc. Part-2 Topper in Microbiology 80%
64 Mehta Nishi Dineshbhai 2021-22 PGDMLT Topper in PGDMLT 69.71%
65 Patel Niraliben Jayeshbhai 2020-21 T.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Chemistry 91.80%
66 Kurkutiya Salonikumari Babarbhai 2020-21 T.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Microbiology 59.50%
67 Patel Shreya Uttambhai 2020-21 T.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Botany 75.00%
68 Patel Hetalben Rameshbhai 2020-21 T.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Mathematics 65.30%
69 Patel Rutvik Girishbhai 2020-21 M.Sc. Part-1 Topper in Chemistry 85%
70 Chaudhari Pinal 2020-21 M.Sc. Part-2 Topper in Microbiology 81%
71 Patel Priyankaben Bharatbhai 2020-21 M.Sc. Part-2 Topper in Chemistry 80%
72 Pawar Pavan Laljibhai 2020-21 M.Sc. Part-2 Topper in Microbiology 70.90%
73 Patel Kajalben Pravinbhai 2019-20 T.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Chemistry 77.70%
74 Chaudhari Pinal 2019-20 T.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Microbiology 69%
75 Patel Priyankaben Bharatbhai 2019-20 M.Sc. Part-1 Topper in Chemistry 76.70%
76 Patel Khevna 2019-20 M.Sc. Part-2 Topper in Microbiology 63%
77 Patel Priyalben Arvindbhai 2019-20 M.Sc. Part-2 Topper in Chemistry 78.30%
78 Ganvit Smita Laxmanbhai 2019-20 M.Sc. Part-3 Topper in Microbiology 82%
79 Patel Ankitakumari Sharadbhai 2018-19 F.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Chemistry 75.50%
80 Ganvit Kinjal Bharatbhai 2018-19 F.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Microbiology 68.20%
81 Satiya Darshana Sureshbhai 2018-19 F.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Botany 73.60%
82 Patel Hetal Rameshbhai 2018-19 F.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Mathematics 74.50%
83 Patel Kajalben Pravinbhai 2018-19 S.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Chemistry 85.20%
84 Bhoya Ratu Janubhai 2018-19 S.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Microbiology 78.40%
85 Patel Anjali Jayantibhai 2018-19 S.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Microbiology 78.40%
86 Patel Priyanka Bharatbhai 2018-19 T.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Chemistry 80.90%
87 Gamit Darshana Jitendrabhai 2018-19 T.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Microbiology 70.90%
88 Patel Krinalben Manishbhai 2018-19 M.Sc. Part – 1 Topper in Chemistry 69.15%
89 Ganvit Smita Laxmanbhai 2018-19 M.Sc. Part – 1 Topper in Microbiology 75.00%
90 Patel Kajalben Pravinbhai 2017-18 F.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Chemistry 79.50%
91 Bhoya Ratubhai Janubhai 2017-18 F.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Microbiology 78.20%
92 Patel Priyankaben Bharatbhai 2017-18 S.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Chemistry 87.70%
93 Ganvit Darshana Jitendrabhai 2017-18 S.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Microbiology 78.90%
94 Patel Pritesh Mukeshbhai 2017-18 T.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Chemistry 80.50%
95 Ganvit Smita Laxmanbhai 2017-18 T.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Microbiology 72.30%
96 Patel Priyanka Bharatbhai 2016-17 F.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Chemistry 80.57%
97 Deshmukh Anjaliben Jayantibhai 2016-17 F.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Microbiology 80.00%
98 Patel Priteshkumar Mukeshbhai 2016-17 S.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Chemistry 80.81%
99 Ganvit Smita Laxamnbhai 2016-17 S.Y.B.Sc. Topper in Microbiology 80.09%
Sports Achievements


Sr No Academic Year Tournament Name Student Name Achievement
1 2022-23 V.N.S.G.U. Surat Inter collegiate Tournament Patel Neelkumar Nareshbhai 2nd Place – Silver Medal (Best Physique )
2 2022-23 V.N.S.G.U. Surat Inter collegiate Tournament Barat Kanaiya Ganajbhai Won Bronze Medal in Karate
3 2022-23 Mr. South Gujarat bodybuilding competition in gujarat 2023 Patel Neelkumar Nareshbhai 2nd Place – Silver Medal (Bodybuilding)
4 2022-23 Valsad District Powerlifting Championship 2023 Patel Abhaybhai Rajeshbhai 2nd Place – Silver Medal (Powerlifting )
5 2021-22 V.N.S.G.U. Surat Inter collegiate Tournament Patel Rahulkumar Ratilal 2nd Place University and selected for representing V.N.S.G.U. at The All India Inter-University Tournament (yogasana)
6 2021-22 V.N.S.G.U. Surat Inter collegiate Tournament Patel Adityakumar Pargneshbhai Won bronze medal in karate
7 2019-20 V.N.S.G.U. Surat Intercollegiate Tournament Rahulkumar R. Patel Selected for representing V.N.S.G.U. at the all India Inter-University tournament (Yogasana)
8 2018-19 V.N.S.G.U. Surat Intercollegiate Tournament Saurabhkumar M. Patel 2nd Place – Silver Medal (Shot Put)
2nd Place – Silver Medal (Discus Throw)
9 2018-19 Khelmahakumbh 2018 District Level Saurabhkumar M. Patel 2nd Place – Silver Medal (Shot Put)
2nd Place – Silver Medal (Discus Throw)
10 Sunainaben N. Patel 1st Place (Yoga)
11 Saurabhkumar M. Patel 1st Place (Shot Put)
1st Place (Discus Throw)
12 Vikasbhai R. Bhusara 2nd Place (High Jump)
13 Prakash M. Ganvit 1st Place (800m Race)
2nd Place (1500m Race)
14 2018-19 Khelmahakumbh 2018 Taluka Level Brijal M. Patel 1st Place (Chess)
15 Amruta R. Thakariya 2nd Place (Chess)
16 Sujeet D. Patel 1st Place (Chess)
17 SRV Girls team 1st Place (Kho-kho)
18 SRV Boys team 2nd Place (Tug of War)
19 2017-18 V.N.S.G.U. Surat Intercollegiate Tournament Saurabhkumar M. Patel 2nd Place – Silver Medal (Shot Put)
3rd Place – Bronze Medal (Discus Throw)
20 2017-18 Khelmahakumbh 2017 District Level Saurabhkumar M. Patel 2nd Place – Silver Medal (Shot Put)
2nd Place – Silver Medal (Discus Throw)
21 Namrata M. Ganvit 2nd Place (Archery)
22 Brijalben M. Patel 3rd Place (Chess)
23 2017-18 Khelmahakumbh 2017 Taluka Level Saurabhkumar M. Patel 1st Place (Shot Put)
24 Amruta R. Thakariya 1st Place (400m Race)
25 Brijalben M. Patel 1st Place (Chess)
26 Kishor P. Kahdoliya 1st Place (Chess)
27 SRV Girls team 1st Place (Kho-kho)
28 2016-17 V.N.S.G.U. Surat Intercollegiate Tournament Saurabhkumar M. Patel 3rd Place – Bronze Medal (Shot Put)
29 2016-17 Khelmahakumbh 2016 District Level Priteshbhai M. Patel 2nd Place (800m Race)
30 2016-17 Khelmahakumbh 2016 Taluka Level SRV Girls team 2nd Place (Kho-kho)
31 Priteshbhai M. Patel 1st Place (800m Race)


Awards and Accolades

The first prize in the poster presentation competition at the FNRINPP-2019 (Fundamentals of Nuclear Reactor & Indian Nuclear Power Programme) – A State-level Seminar held on 25th September 2019 at B.K.M Science College, Valsad was bagged by 3 students of Shrimad Rajchandra Vidyapeeth: Nidhi Garasia (S.Y.), Sonal Patel (S.Y.), Avani Ahir(F.Y.). 

The Seminar was sponsored by the Gujarat Council of Science and Technology (GUJCOST) and aimed at bringing to light different technology-based ideas that can be used for social welfare. The college’s F.Y.B.Sc./S.Y.B.Sc. students competed with Postgraduate students in both oral and poster presentations
