Igniting Innovation in Young Minds!

Shrimad Rajchandra Vidyapeeth organised a three-day workshop on ‘Building your own Scientific Instruments’, conducted by Siddharth Doshi, a PhD Fellow at Stanford University, USA.

The workshop aimed to cultivate the spirit of innovation amongst under-graduate and post-graduate students.

By guiding them through the process of constructing scientific instruments using basic tools and materials, he empowered students to tap into their inherent
potential for creativity and problem-solving.

The workshop provided students with a unique experience, allowing them to build instruments such as a spectrometer, microscope, ophthalmoscope and learn model making and 3D printing. Shrimad Rajchandra Vidyapeeth is adopting innovative learning methodologies and ensuring that the students not only acquire knowledge and skills but also gain confidence in their ability to innovate.